Beauty Emerging

Beauty Emerging
Butterfly = Me

Thursday, June 16, 2011

Idols, Dreams, and the seeming Futility of Both

Ok so I had a dream last night about an old Idol of mine named Terrance Zdunich. He is a very talented, musical genius who came up with the cult hit Repo: the Genetic Opera and is writing an indie comic book. I had dreams that someday I would meet him and we would wind up falling head over heels for each other...Typical girlish fantasy. :-/ Not something that I'm entirely proud of but meh. My ardour for this man cooled quickly as I started living the "grown up life" Job, Place of my own, etc. But my love for his music and work never did.
 I haven't even thought about this man for MONTHS and then out of the blue, I wound up having a dream about him just last night...It was me somewhere...I don't remember the details but I do remember that he was there, He wound up liking me and embraced me like he knew me, like a man would do a friend or lover...It was so real that I woke up wondering "Did that actually Happen?" But it didn't. The thing is that the dream made me hunger to meet him. I don't have the resources or the time to go and meet this guy. I feel that what is the point of truly having Idols or dreams like this when you don't have any way to achieve or meet them. Realistic dreams like me being an OSGC at my work, Going to school for Criminology and getting my degree, singing at Open Mic nights and getting some recognition...Those are achievable. Having an idol that I will never meet or even reach his level of fame is in my mind totally ridiculous.
Why have these dreams when it will never happen? He will never come to this arsehole of a town and even if he does he would never notice me in the crowd of adoring, gothic, followers...I admire him for his art, his talent and yes I find him attractive but I will not stand out and even if I do his reputation as a bit of a man whore precedes him...So dreams like this need to go away as do my Idolization. He is only human, albeit talented, but human all the same. I have been wanting to get that out for a while. I feel better. :-)

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