Beauty Emerging

Beauty Emerging
Butterfly = Me

Thursday, June 23, 2011

How Fragile we Really Are and How we can Combat the feeling of fear

Ok So for once I'm going to adress a topic that I've been fighting to not discuss cause of how frightening it is to everyone. Mortality and how it can be shattered in an instant of recklessness or violence. A few nights ago there was a shooting at my apartment complex in the apartment above me. I heard the Shot and it scared the Hell out of me. The ballistics team, the Csi team and the police were there. It made me realize that the bullet could have very well hit me had it been in the house and came through the wall and my life would have ended. it made me realize how very fragile this outer shell is and how important it is to live life to the fullest like every day is the last.
 I've started using egg shells as an art medium. The first egg shell that I'm using is a tiny quail egg and although its delicate and painstaking work it makes me realize that something fragile can be made into a thing of great beauty. my painting is impressionistic at best but it's still beautiful in it's own way. This is how I am coping with the experience I've had. It puts my mind to work and keeps me from becoming a shivering fearful mess.
I handle death in a different way now. I'm calmer about it. A good example of this is how yesterday there was a dead bird in the store front that I was looking at to get some art supplies. I saw it and asked the lady that worked there if I could use some gloves to handle the bird and take it from out of the view of people. She handed me some white gloves and I went out and picked up the poor thing. It had flown into the window and had broken it's neck. I carried it to the nearest trash can and it wound up bleeding on me. I didn't even bat an eyelash at that. Normally a situation like that would have me shuddering but not this time. This time I was calm and collected. Different.  Life has a way of showing you how many layers you have as a human being. This is one of mine. Calm and collected in the face of death. Unafraid.
Well not much else to say on this topic. Although life is fragile it can still be beautiful. Grab it by the horns and enjoy the ride. :-)

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