Beauty Emerging

Beauty Emerging
Butterfly = Me

Saturday, August 13, 2011


As my twenty sixth birthday quickly approaches and the so called end of the world comes up (Yeah right) I start to wonder...I want to know more then I do right now. I want to go to places, do more things. I want to travel, explore...I have a wander lust to see more then just my little corner of the globe...I have the money to do it now. I can spend a week in New Orleans or a week in California or two weeks In Ireland with a tour group, Go to Tombstone and stay over night...I can do whatever I please but I want someone to share it with. As it is I'm going on a trip to L.A. and the coast in October with my friend Libby to meet my hero. As well as to New Orleans in Late January and then to Disneyland in March with my folks...But when will I be able to have someone, my soul mate, with me on my adventures? Hopefully soon. i pray.