Beauty Emerging

Beauty Emerging
Butterfly = Me

Thursday, May 19, 2011


Hello. Welcome to my blog. I'm going to start off explaining who I am, what I do, a little about my past and then we'll go from there. i think of this a little bit as a journal. i've always hand written my journals and will still continue to do so. Especially for the things that are nobody's damn buisness but my own....
So my name is Rachael, I also like to be called Rayven cause it's my totem animal but it hasn't caught on yet. It will once I do/ post photos up of  my goth style photo shoot. :-)
I'm a singer, dancer...general all around performer. I also like to do landscape photography and if I can get decent ones, wildlife photos. I'm also a writer. I'm kinda shy about showing them to anyone but I may post it on here, it's not like anyone is going to read this anyway...Maybe portions of stories...poems....anyways...
I love to read too. I love to read Sherlock Holmes, Some Stephen King, Let me In, poetry by Emily Dickinson, History books...just to name a few. I plan to get some books that focus on Egyptian History and some on Civil War history...Yeah, I'm a geek.
I'm also very independent, a bit feisty and have become a lot more confident and happier since I started to not give a damn about what people think about me, my style, my far as I'm concerned everyone can sit on a stick and turn. :-)  Well, that's it for tonight. Maybe more tomorow. Later all.